surf school
surf school

surf school

The Bo & Co surf school team

Enthusiasts at your service… and entertain you!

The Lacanau surf school team, located on the pedestrian access road to the north beach, welcomes you every day from April to mid-November, with its unfailing good humor and enthusiasm!

Potrait Bernard école de surf



Bernard, co-founder of the BO & CO surf school, has been teaching for almost 30 years.

A seasoned surfer, he travels the world every winter, his board under his arm, to discover new spots – in warm waters, of course!

He’ll share his passion for surfing and travel with you, and help you progress at your own pace, always in a good mood.

Portrait Hugo école de surf



Hugo caught his first waves at the age of 4 in Lacanau with the legendary Bernard!

It would seem that the boss has passed on his passion, for since then he has organized his daily life around the swell and the tides!

As a lover of Lacanau and its lifestyle, you’ll probably come across him most often on the waves! Hugo and BO & CO have come full circle.

Portrait moniteur de surf Yann



Yann has been teaching for 20 years. A lifelong board enthusiast, founder and shaper of the Mistic Surfboards brand, and a Breton (yes, that’s an undeniable quality!), he’s our specialist for the little ones.

Full of energy, a good teacher and excellent interpersonal skills, he will pamper your children and help them discover the joys of snowboarding.

Portrait Helyo école de surf



Helyoka is our best colleague (especially because he knows how to make excellent cakes!).

Half-Breton, half-Vendée, he’s a daily ray of sunshine. Always in a good mood, he’ll be happy to share his passion with you.

A surfer at heart, you’ll probably meet him at one of Lacanau Océan’s many surf spots! The kids love him, and so do we!

Portrait moniteur de surf Nicolas



Nico, a passionate longboarder, will always have a surf trip anecdote to tell you to make you dream! He loves to pass on and share his passion for surfing through group and private lessons.

A great teacher and sportsman, he loves to help his students practice.

With Nico, you’ll progress whatever your level, thanks to his invaluable advice. An instructor for many years, he’ll give you the keys to success!

Portrait Samy moniteur école de surf Lacanau



A new Breton in the team!
An experienced instructor, but above all a passionate one, Samy embodies the spirit of Brittany with his good humor, his unconditional love of the ocean and his very own sayings!

His knowledge of surfing guarantees a unique adventure at every session.

With his personalized advice and encouragement on every wave, your session with Samy will be unforgettable!

Portrait Lou école de surf



& Yoga

Lou, THE ray of sunshine in the team!

A radiant presence, she brings her good humor and energy to the team on a daily basis.

She’s a true Swiss Army knife. You’ll probably meet her at reception, accompanied by her faithful Orka, or during a soothing or energizing yoga class!

As a passionate surfer, you’ll find her on both north and south beaches, summer and winter alike!

Portrait accueil Floriane



Floriane welcomes you to North Beach all season long!

When she’s not at surf school, it’s probably on a rugby pitch or in the waves that you’ll catch a glimpse of her.

Passionate about travel and the great outdoors, she takes advantage of the winter calm to discover new destinations.

Portrait Maïa école de surf



Maïa, who is passionate about winter and summer sports, will advise you throughout your adventure at Lacanau Océan!

Adventurous and always on the go, she takes advantage of the summer and winter seasons to ride!

Sunny and smiling, she’s a real pleasure to talk to! But don’t you dare point a gun at her in the water!

Portrait Julie accueil BO & CO



Julie is our new recruit of the year!

Originally from Canaul, she knows Lacanau and the surrounding area like the back of her hand! A lover of travel, sunny and radiant, joining our adventure seemed an obvious choice!

Funny, cheerful and a real entertainer, you’ll never get bored with her!

Portrait Claire Surf



Claire joins the BO & CO team this year!

If we had to choose just one adjective to describe it… It would be sunny! But also smiling, empathetic, friendly…

In short, you’ll understand that being welcomed by Claire won’t leave you indifferent! A Canaul native and long-time surfer, we’re delighted that she’s joining our Lacanau surf school!

Portrait Chloé accueil école de surf lacanau



With her boundless energy and radiant smile, Chloé has joined our team to welcome you, answer all your questions, and ensure an experience like no other!

Passionate about sports – surfing, trail running, rugby… she’ll be able to advise and motivate you for your surfing sessions!
His contagious energy will not leave you indifferent, so get ready!

Portrait mascotte Youki



Youki, our faithful mascot for almost 4 years, was born under a lucky star!

Adopted from the SPCA, he has quickly adapted to his new life as a surf school mascot! Present almost every day, he’ll welcome you with open arms, especially if you’ve got a sandwich in your bag!

A friend of children, it’s not uncommon to see it under a mass of cuddly little hands.

Orka mascotte école de surf



Orka, adopted from a shelter near Antibes, has quickly adapted to school life!

Beneath her shy exterior, she knows how to use her charm to glean a few nibbles and scratches.

Never far from her sidekick, she’s a little more shy. You may come across her on a walk, where she’ll show off all her Olympic running potential!